Entertaining account of a group of Brontë enthusiasts coming together in Brussels to explore Charlotte and Emily Brontë's time in the city. By Helen MacEwan, author of The Brontës in Brussels.
Helen MacEwan has a degree in modern languages from the University of Oxford. A translator, she has lived in Brussels since 2004. She became fascinated in Charlotte and Emily's time in Brussels after re-reading 'Villette' shortly after moving to the city. In 2006 she founded the Brussels Brontë Group, a literary society that organises talks, guided walks and reading groups. 'Down the Belliard Steps' was her first book. She is also the author of 'The Brontës in Brussels', 'Through Belgian Eyes: Charlotte Brontë's Troubled Brussels Legacy', and 'Winifred Gérin: Biographer of the Brontës'.