In the touristy city of Hot Springs, Arkansas, a woman named Lyra lives a rather modest life with the incurable mental disorder, schizophrenia. Clever, curious, and determined, she is constantly challenged by her desire to find some semblance of "normalcy"-whatever that means-alongside her depression, anxiety, critical self-talk, and frequent auditory hallucinations.
Lyra is a work of literary fiction that represents a fraction of the very-real culture around and challenges of living in an area where mental health is downplayed or misunderstood and mental health services are typically underfunded and catered to the religious communities. While it is a story of panic attacks, break downs, and grief, it is also a story of persistence, resilience, and hope.
Please be aware that this work includes references to and discussions around depression, anxiety, suicide ideation, hallucinations, and panic attacks. If you are currently experiencing or sensitive to any of these mental health challenges, this work may be triggering for you, so please proceed with caution and self-compassion. This novella also includes an index of suicide prevention resources to better connect and support any readers in need of help.