Do you find yourself attempting to memorize facts and mimicking examples simply to make it through algebra? Learn to think mathematically and develop genuine problem-solving skills with COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 8th Edition by best-selling author team Stewart/Redlin/Watson. This straightforward, easy-to-use book helps you master the fundamentals of algebra with updated learning features and new tools for success. New concept exercises at the beginning of each exercise set guide you step-by-step through the main topics of a section. Lists of formulas and key concepts after each chapter reinforce what you've learned, while new review material helps you gauge your progress. In addition, numerous examples show you how to use mathematics to model real situations in fields like engineering, business, physics, chemistry and biology. Online WebAssign resources are also available to provide interactive practice and strengthen your understanding of key principles.
"Do your students attempt to memorize facts and mimic examples to make it through algebra? Instead, provide students with a solid foundation in the principles of mathematical thinking with COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 8th Edition by best-selling author team Stewart/Redlin/Watson. This popular, updated edition explains concepts simply and clearly, overcoming learning barriers without avoiding difficult points. New and revised applications, new content and updated review opportunities provide a solid understanding of the principles behind algebra. A focus on modeling emphasizes the relevance of what students are learning while new Discovery Projects demonstrate how concepts apply. Comprehensive and evenly paced, this updated edition provides an attention to detail and clarity that sets this author team apart. Accompanying WebAssign digital resources further reinforce true student comprehension."--