This recipe book was put together by Bernard A. Mayer as a suggestion for anyone who likes cooking and preparing nice dinners for their family and friends when they get together on special holidays and events which occur in many people's lives, etc.
On April 8, 1944 at around 2:00 am a small child was born in Syracuse, New York from Hazel M. Mayer married to Bernard C. Mayer. This child was her second born who she named Bernie, nickname for Bernard. He was a healthy baby weighing just over 8 lbs. when born, and he was bald headed with just a little peach fuzz on top of his head. Her heaviest baby of four other siblings. As he grew older, he started working in restaurants, fi rst as a dishwasher, bus boy, and later as a cook or preparer of food. Also, did table waiting along the way. Later, he did cooking for friends, clubs, and nice restaurants, with waiters. Also, special parties. After retiring from work in general, he thought he should put together a recipe book where housewives could use to entertain their guests and families or anyone who likes cooking.