Electra to the Rescue brings young readers the captivating story of Electra Havemeyer Webb and her adventures in "America's attic." Illustrated throughout with archival images and full-color photographs of items from the Shelburne Museum, the book is a splendid introduction not only to this dynamic, unconventional woman but also to the rich, colorf
An illustrated biography for children of Electra Havemeyer Webb, founder of Vermont¿s Shelburne Museum.
This read-aloud picture book brings young readers (and listeners) the captivating story of Electra Havemeyer Webb and her adventures in ¿Americäs attic.¿ Illustrated throughout with archival images and full-color photographs of items from the Shelburne Museum, the book is a splendid introduction not only to this dynamic, unconventional woman but also to the rich, colorful world of Americana.
Electra collected rag dolls, cast-iron banks, embroidery samplers, miniature circuses¿even a working paddle-wheeler. Here is a book that perfectly embodies Electräs lifelong mission: to teach the American tradition of craftsmanship and the often sublime beauty of simple, everyday objects.