Nihon Vogue is Japan's preeminent publisher of books on handicrafts, with a long history and hundreds of titles on knitting, sewing, quilting, embroidery, paper crafts, tole painting and more. Many of their books have been translated into English and other languages include works by Hitomi Shida, Keiko Okamoto, Reiko Washizawa, Shizuko Kuroha, Yoko Saito and other internationally recognized needlecraft designers.
Gayle Roehm lived in Japan and studied the language for many years, and has knit and crocheted from Japanese patterns for most of her career. Gayle teaches at gatherings around the United States and occasionally publishes her own designs. She is the translator of the Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible and 250 Japanese Knitting Stitches, both by Hitomi Shida.