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Another Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street) (Stone, Jon / Smollin, Michael)
Another Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street)
Autor Stone, Jon / Smollin, Michael
Verlag Random House N.Y.
Co-Verlag Golden Books (Imprint/Brand)
Sprache Englisch
Einband Pappband, unzerreissbar (PpU)
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
Seiten 26 S.
Artikelnummer 18055657
ISBN 978-1-101-93137-0
Reihe Little Golden Board Book
Ausstattung/Verpackung Bilderbuch
Sonstiges Ab 2 - 5 J.
CHF 9.90
Aus vertr.- oder lizenzr. Gründen nicht lieferbar
The Sesame Street classic, Another Monster at the End of This Book—now available as a sturdy board book for children ages 0 to 3. This interactive story features the hilarious efforts of Grover to prevent Elmo and the reader from getting to the end of the book to find whatever may be there.
Jon Stone was the first head writer for Sesame Street, and was one of the show's principal directors and producers for more than 24 years. He died in 1997.

Michael Smollin is an illustrator. His books include Another Monster at the End of This Book and The Alligator’s A. B. C.