Divorce and the related financial aspects of divorce has become a major area of practice for accountants, financial planners, and mediators. This book provides the technical detail that is needed, in a practical approach, and includes direct and easy-to-follow tools, checklists, work programs, flow charts, forms, to meet the accountant's needs.
A straightforward and practical reference for the complicated tax and financial topics of divorce
Professionals specializing in the field must understand the financial and tax aspects of divorce in more detail than ever before-and the issues are more complicated than ever before. The J.K. Lasser Pro Guide to Tax and Financial Issues in Divorce is designed to arm professionals with the information they need to best serve their clients in dealing with the complex finances of divorce. Practical and accessible enough for nonprofessionals, the book also helps those worrying over their own divorce understand the topics they must deal with. Examples, guidelines, forms, tools, and checklists complement expert discussion of these issues and more:
- Valuing interests in closely held companies
- Finding the right lawyer and accountant for your divorce
- Negotiating the settlement
- Tax implications
- Research and investigation in the discovery phase
- Subpoenas and requests for documentation
- Marital versus nonmarital property
- Analyzing and determining one's true economic income
- Alimony and other maintenance payments
- Dissipation
- Mediation and collaborative law for divorce
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